2.She makes some pretty classic goofy/silly faces. My favorite ones involve a flared nose.
Flared nose:

3. When I was in Las Vegas about a month ago, I had some chocolate chip cookies that she made and they were AMAZING. I ate like 10. or maybe 5 or 6. or maybe 10.
4. Candice is SO creative. I aspire to be as creative as she is.
5. Also when I was in Las Vegas, I went to a bridal shower that she threw and it was a really nice bridal shower, one of the nicest I've been to. Candice throws a good party!
6. Candice loves kids!
7. And kids love Candice!
8. Candice is one of the most beautiful girls I know.
9. Inside AND out. She's pretty much amazing.

10. She runs in marathons. That right there is worthy of my admiration. I can't even run 1 mile with out wanting to throw up.
11. Candice used to do my hair and makeup sometimes when I was younger and it always looked really great. Her and my sister Jessica did my hair for my wedding and it was gorgeous!
12. When we were in high school, Candice had this total Grandma car. I believe it was an 1986 Dynasty or something like that. It was so old lady, it was cool...kind of.
13. When we were in middle school, Candice and I shared a room and she had this idea that would fill our whole room with candles and picture frames. I thought that was the coolest idea ever.
14. It's well known that my sister Jessica is weird and she is very open about it. I suspect that Candice is weirder (in a cool way) but not very many people know it.
15. Candice will eat half a granola bar and save the other half for later. I on the other hand, eat a whole granola bar and go back for seconds and sometimes thirds...I'm jealous of her self control.
16. Candice has really great style. Sometimes she wears an outfit that when you see it you think "Oh man, that's so cute!" But if I were to wear the same outfit, people would be like "ewwwugh! What is she wearing?" haha, it's true. Candice can pull off some clothing that I never will be able to!
17. One time Candice and I went for a bike ride. At one point we were going up this long uphill street and I am out of shape so I was going so slow. Candice just zipped up that street and probably had to wait like 10 minutes for me to get there...haha. She's fit!
18. Candice is so funny!
19. Candice's idea of cleaning is to do it often, thoroughly, and to put the right things in the right places....weird huh?
20. Sometimes I try and think of funny things to say so I can hear Candice laugh. :)I like her laugh.
21. For Eventide's birthday, Candice got her this doll that sings "I'm a little teapot" in English and Spanish and Eventide thinks that doll is seriously the coolest. good job Candice. You win the award for buying awesome presents for nieces.
22. Candice could be an interior decorator and she's be an awesome one. Her dining room looks like it belongs in R.C. Willy's (sp?) as a display.
23. Candice is one cool gal!
24. This post is over a month late, but nevertheless, I love you, Candice and I hope your next year is full good things...and maybe a new baby?