-Eventide LOVES going to Nursery at church. As soon as sacrament meeting ends, Eventide takes my hand and leads me to nursery.
-She loves reading! Now that we moved her bookshelf out to the living room, she reads even more. She likes it best when she can sit in our lap and she's happy for us to to read to her, for her to read on her to us, or to just look at the pictures. She really likes books. In fact, at this moment, I'm listening to her read to Mitchell and it is ADORABLE!
-Favorite thing for breakfast is Life cereal.
-Has started taking an interest in our dog Sugar, much to Sugar's regret.
-Words she can say: No, yes, come, What's this, What's that, "What it is?", "what is", "Ge" (which means translates in to "get it"), stop, mama, dada, nana, papa, Sugar, "there it is", juice, necklace, "see ya later", "bye guys," ok, and much more though I can't remember it all. She's constantly learning new words and is starting to imitate us in actions, words, and gestures a lot more.
-She understands us when we ask if she is hungry, if she wants some food, if she wants to watch Star Trek or Golden Girls, and when Mitchell asks if she wants to feed the fish.
-She can sing the tune to Star Trek: The Next Generation. She is also starting to learn the Golden Girl's opening song (along with "snapping" her fingers to the song). And today when we were singing the ABC's to her, when we were done, she sang "la la la la ABC's.."
-She got a play kitchen for Christmas from her Nana and Papa and she LOVES it! Some of her other favorite toys are her necklaces, baby doll stroller, Mega blocks, toy cars, and Mrs. Potato Head. She is pretty spoiled. :)
-She loves playing outside and likes trips to the library.
-She loves talking on the phone for real and for pretend and uses all kinds of random toys as a pretend phone when she doesn't have a phone handy.
-Eventide's favorite food is chocolate and candy and her favorite kind of drink is any kind of juice.
-Ever since Eventide was a newborn, she has disliked getting dressed and having her diaper changed. I thought that would change as she has gotten older...it hasn't.
-She loves baths (she went through a 4 week phase where the bath we just about the worst thing ever) but hates getting her hair washed because water gets in her face and that makes her pretty mad which puts an end to her baths pretty quick.
-We visited my family for Christmas (which will get it's own post) and she got a lot of opportunities to play with her cousins, Braylee and Aubrie, and she LOVES them. They got along so well and gave each other lots of hugs. She also got reacquainted with her Nana and Papa and adores them. She especially adores my mom (Nana) who quickly became Eventide's favorite person for the duration of our visit. We are excited for Nana to visit after Memory is born!
-She's in a sticker phase and I had to go to the dollar store the other day to stock up on stickers because she keeps getting in to our scrapbook stickers and using those to decorate the couch, floor, tables, clothes, face, etc.
-Current favorite movie: Barbie's Swan Lake and a Sesame Street's Elmo country music movie she got from Gramma and Grampa Colver for Christmas.
-Loves music and likes to sit with Dad at the computer and listen to music and watch music clips on Youtube.
-Her hair is getting long and she is growing, growing, growing, and she is as cute and adorable and wonderful as ever! Eventide is so playful, social, loving, sharing, and generous. We just LOVE her and I am so grateful that she's my daughter and that we get to care for her and be with her on this Earth and for eternity. We love our little Eventide!!!
Eating cereal:

Playing with Mrs. Potato Head glasses:
Like mother, like daughter...I often put a shower cap on my head when I'm cooking for people outside of my family to prevent my hair getting in to the food (which has happened despite how careful I was!). It's embarrassing.
Putting on some Jewelry with Gramma Colver:
Putting oven mitts on her feet
Eventide usually has late lunches after her nap, because by the time she's ready for lunch, she's too tired to eat