Christmas holidays, we spent a couple days before and the Christmas morning with my sister-in-law Jessica'a (Mitchell's sister) family. We spent the time playing games, doing puzzles, relaxing and having a good time. :) On Christmas Eve, we went to Mitchell's parent's family where several of Mitchell's siblings and their families were and we opened some presents and sang Christmas songs, which was so fun! We started with the youngest person in the family and they got to choose a Christmas song, which we all sang together, then from youngest to oldest, every single person in the family got to choose a song which we all sang together. We originally did it to pass the time, waiting for every one to be ready, but once we got going, we stuck to it. It's something that I would love to do on all my future Christmas Eves. :)On Christmas, afternoon, we went to Mitchell's parents again and had Christmas lunch/dinner and then headed to the airport to fly to Las Vegas to visit with my family.

Christmas Eve at Mitchell's parents. All that singing put her to sleep!:

Eventide got a new book from Grandma & Grandpa Colver...of course the wrapping paper was WAY more interesting.

Playing with her new toy (a rainstick):

Christmas morning at Jessica's house. I'm showing off the groovy pajama pants that Mitchell made me for Christmas. :)

I made the graham cracker structure at my friend's house, but once I got the house together, I was sick of it and didn't decorate, so Mitchell did. He even made a little car and little wreaths! :)

On Christmas Eve, we put together this 3D puzzle of Notre Dame. We wanted to take a picture with it before we took it apart. I think Eventide makes this picture cute.

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