Eventide has learned a couple new sounds: The "L" sound and the "c/k" sound. It has made her baby talk infinitely more adorable (which I did not know was possible!). We love to hear her chat away in that mysterious language of hers! Also, she is SO determined. Once she sets her mind to what she wants to do, she will not quit (like crawling to and eating the dog food for example). She loves exploring and has just discovered the kitchen cabinets and that she can in fact open them. Last week, Mitchell found her sitting under the kitchen table with a starburst (still in its wrapper) in her mouth. She had gone to the kitchen, opened up the cupboard, took the lid off the candy container, grabbed a starburst, put it in her mouth, and went to the kitchen table to eat in peace. When Mitchell found her, she was just sitting there and smiling and pretty much being a cutie.
Also, she LOVES being outside. It's pretty much her favorite thing ever.
So! We had a fun and busy spring break! Things of note:
*We got a new fondue pot (with a double boiler)! We also have a really old fondue pot that was my grandmother's (it was like from the 70's). So we looked up some delicious fondue recipes from Melting Pot and made a 3-course fondue dinner. Yum! Mitchell figured out that with the ingredients we used for the meal, which would have fed 4 people, only cost about 20 dollars! sweet! It was fun to prepare the meal and work together to make it work (Eventide was taking a nap...or it probably wouldn't have worked so well).
*Worked on our garden! Well, mostly Mitchell did. We don't have much room, but we are definitely utilizing what room we have. We are growing peas, watermelon, strawberries, onions (sweet and green), corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and various flowers. We are pretty excited!
*Mitchell's sister and her three sons came over for dinner. We watched The Last Mimzy and had pizza, pie, and ice cream.
*We went to dinner at our friends, The Jorgensons, on Thursday. They have a small farm with goats, a llama, turkeys, roosters, and a bunch of different kinds of chickens. I had never seen a male turkey like they have. He was HUGE! Because we were out there exploring, he was fluffing up his feathers and showing off. They have some female turkeys too, so at one point, the male turkey started flapping his feathers and stomping his feet doing a little mating dance that the Jorgensons called the "Baby Dance" as in "Let's make babies!" Haha, it was pretty funny. Anyway! We roasted hotdogs outside over a fire and had good conversation. fun times!
This is a picture of what the Jorgenson's turkey looked like:

*Mitchell's brother was moving and another one of his brothers and family came up here from Utah, so we went there and helped out. Well...Mitchell helped out with the moving, I watched Eventide and played with all my wonderful and amazing nieces and nephews. Mitchell's mom just got Wii fit plus, which I tried out and I LOVE it! So, I'm hoping to get it for my birthday! yay!
Soooo, I guess that's it! spring break just flew by and school is starting on Monday. We've enjoyed some really great weather. Mitchell is really excited to start teaching his Music Psychology class (which is filled up!). I've had the opportunity to hear about a lot of the lessons he is going to teach and I wish that I could be in his class! We are soon to be busy busy busy! Sooo, with all that said, we hope you all have a fantastic week!
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