So, when I was pregnant with Eventide, Mitchell went to a conference in Portland. As it was pretty close to my due date, I stayed at his sister Jessica's home for a few days just in case I went in to labor. If you don't know Jessica's family, you sure are missing out! While this post is actually about her awesome kids, I have to mention that Jessica is just as awesome and wonderful. So, anyway, while I was staying with Jessica's family, I spent a lot of time with her two youngest sons, Salem and Forest. They always have these totally priceless and often hilarious and insightful comments, and so I started writing down things that they were saying so I could remember. I just recently rediscovered the little paper where I wrote down all that stuff. I loved it so much, I thought I would share it with you guys (p.s. at this time, Forest's favorite things were Indiana Jones and The Haunted Mansion-He had seen Indiana, but not The Haunted Mansion).
-"When I'm 18, I want to stay be a kid and I'm going to watch The Haunted Mansion. I'm going to let you buy it for me."-Forest
-"Do you know what happens when you fall in to a volcano? You burn and die."-Forest
-Salem: "Ladies first!
Forest: "Why? Because Courtney's a lady?"
Salem: "mhm!"
-"Everything about life is about Jesus and the gospel. Bad guys don't do Jesus things. They do Satan things and Satan things are bad."-Salem
-Forest or Salem (cant remember): "What #s make 13 when you put them together?"
Me: "1 and 3"
Forest or Salem: "What numbers make 6?"
-Forests sang about The Haunted Mansion to the Indiana Jones tune.
-Referring to the Haunted Mansion-"Maybe we can watch it when we are both 18 and we can have a big bowl of popcorn and our own milkshakes and Courtney, do you know what kind of milkshakes they will be? Strawberry."-Forest
Can these boys BE anymore awesome? I submit that they can not! :)
Meeting Scarlet Aug 19, 2014
9 years ago