Eventide found some eggs!




Elaine who just found an egg in a shoe (with Hannah in the background):

There was one special easter egg that we had set out. It was one of those little towels that are cramped into a shape and you add water to get the towel to expand. Anyway, this one happened to be in the shape of an egg. Buddy found it and when he found out what it was, he was pretty excited...as you can tell.

Some of the kids discovering what's in the plastic eggs. Also, something of note-Next to Eventide is Elaine and she is continually giving E'tide kisses and hugs and talking to he (which is what she is doing in the picture). Eventide's cousins are so great and loving towards her. I love it!

Eventide smiling up at her Aunt Jessica (Mitchell's sister).

Eventide can bend down and pick something up and stand back up with out falling! Not all the time, but she is beginning to do it more frequently. :)

Eventide's first dyed Easter egg:

WOW! Eventide is going to be walking before Braylee! Braylee has absolutely no desire to walk. She has the capabilities to do it, just doesn't want to. I have seen her stand and she could easily take a step but has decided crawling is quicker and much closer to the ground hahaha