I'm actually not doing so bad in the "morning" sickness department. I feel sick when I'm hungry and so far I haven't been sick enough to throw up (except when I smelled Eventide's banana baby food this morning...but I quickly gulped down some water and was a-okay). I think this is super wonderful for being half way through the first trimester and not throwing up! It's kind of a mellow nausea, which is WAY better then the last pregnancy with Eventide in which I was throwing up 3-4 (sometimes 5) times a day. So I'm a happy camper! Of course, it may intensify any time now, but I'm going to be optimistic that it won't! Please, please, please!
Other symptoms...Occasional food aversion, but not so bad this time around (I can still eat eggs and pizza and spaghetti!) I'm tired, oh man, am I tired. I'm still breastfeeding Eventide (though I am weaning her and plan to be finished by the time school starts) and breastfeeding and being pregnant has wiped me out! I'm 6 1/2 weeks along and did you know (according to What to Expect When You're Expecting) that by week 7, my baby is 10,000 times bigger now than at conception! Nine months seems like such a long way away, but it's so amazing how fast babies grow! Reading about how the baby develops each week, I'm amazed that it all happens in only 9 months.
Anyways, in other news, we are having a great summer! The weather has cooled down a bit in the last couple of days, which is super nice. Eventide is growing and growing and growing! Mitchell defended his thesis a couple weeks ago and did so successfully! He is such a hard worker and I am super thankful for him.
I have some pictures to share, but in all honesty, I'm really not in the mood nor patient enough to sort through them and load them on, and if I wait around until I do, it'll be awhile before I get this updated! So keep in tune for pictures...sometime. :)
Meeting Scarlet Aug 19, 2014
9 years ago
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