Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It had a snowed a few times over the past couple of weeks. The first two times melted pretty quickly but then it snowed about two inches a couple of nights ago and has been pretty steady since! We actually had a blizzard warning last night. The temperature is 15 degrees. It was 10-12 earlier, but the sun finally came out a bit! I love the snow as long as I'm inside and not driving in it...

Eventide likes the snow too. She doesn't much care to play in or with it the snow but she likes to walk on it.

We don;t have any rain gutters, so when it snowed the first couple of times, as it was melting, we heard big "plops" outside on our back porch as the snow melted and slid off the roof. The picture below is some snow that I think began falling off the roof, but froze...not sure, but cool anyway:

Ready to brave the weather:

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