Mitchell's family wasn't planning on doing an Easter egg hunt, but I really wanted to do one, so I put one together for Saturday, the day before Easter. We did the hunt at Mitchell's parents (Mitchell was teaching a class and was unable be there). Eventide's cousins were so excited they kept trying to sneak out to the backyard where I was hiding the eggs. Eventide and her cousin Hannah (who is about 8 months older than Eventide) were helping themselves to the easy-to-find eggs scattered around the lawn. I figured I'd give them a bit of a head start since they were the youngest. And it was really cute watching them, anyways. Eventide and her cousins LOVED the hunt. They had a good time and ate lots of candy.:)
Mom & Eventide:

Charity helping out Eventide:

Eventide and some of her cousins:

Eventide and "Gamma"

Eventide & Nana
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