We didn't do much on Easter day. My parents had a collection of fun little toys and stuff for Eventide that my mom brought up and Mitch and I got her some Tinkerbell coloring stuff. So we arranged those in a basket for Eventide to "find" in the morning. She really liked it and was pretty excited about it! Memory just got a few outfits, because lets be honest, she doesn't really care at this point. The night before, my Mom and I frantically sewed dresses for the girls with matching fabric. I made Eventide's (with a LOT of help from my mom) and my mom made Memory's. They turned out REALLY good and are just adorable! I made matching fabric flowers to put in there hair. We went to Sacrament meeting then came home, took some pictures and then dropped my mom off at the airport. I was REALLY sad to see her go. It was SO nice to have her here to help out and SO nice just to see her and spend time with her.

I have a video of Eventide on Easter morning..but it's nine minutes long...so you'll have to do without! :)
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