Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We went to Mobius a few weeks ago. I had preconceived ideas on what it was going to be like so I wasn't that impressed...I thought it was going to be like Lied's Discovery Museum which is a huge 2-story building. In any case, it was still pretty cool and the girls had a really good time. Memory and I pretty much hung out in the baby/toddler area most of the time and Mitchell took Eventide around to play with the other stuff. Again, I took all the pictures, so it looks like I wasn't there, but I assure you I was! Afterwards we "splurged" on Panda Express for lunch than went to the Spokane feed and pet store to look at the animals then went to Mitchell's parents so Eventide could play with her cousins. It was a fuuuun day!

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