Her first time eating Ramen...not the healthiest thing, but a big hit!
Not sure how to feel about it...
Warming up to the idea...
Om nom nom!
Playing with cousins
Looong and exciting day...time for bed!!!
Memory facts:
-She's walking!
-She loves to dance (she;s dancing right now)
-She loves bath time with her sister
-Always on to the next thing. She's so busy!
-Still wakes up 3 or 4 times a night to eat.
-She LOVES eating real food.
-Lately she's been doing these goofy little headstands...I'll have to get a picture.
-She can throw a pretty good fit.
-She's so smiley and happy!
-She can't stand not to be included.
-She is a CLIMBER!!!
-If it can fit in her mouth...it will probably go there.
-She likes to play with whatever Eventide's playing with.
-Still takes about 2 naps a day.
-Has 4 teeth (two on top, two on bottom)
-Loves cookies and icecream...who doesn't??
-She loves the vacuum. It's a sure way to cheer her up when she's in a crabby mood or distracts her when she's getting in to trouble! It's also a good incentive to vacuum the carpet more often...
-She LOVES her big sister, Eventide.
-One of the most beautiful girls I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (the other being her sister...)
Memory is so delightful, wonderful, feisty, adventurous, busy, fun, and all around a blessing! We are so blessed to have this sweet little girl in our forever family!
I can't believe it took me so long to check your blog.
ReplyDeleteI also cant believe lil memory still wakes up so often at night, makes me appreciatr only once a night with Trinity. She is getting SO big and is absolutely beautiful!