We had lots of cousin playing time. Eventide was was very excited that Hannah was visiting from Utah and talked about it for several days leading up to the wedding.
-Eventide and Memory are GROWING UP! They are beginning to play better together.
Eventide is still not potty trained and I don't plan on working on that until after we return from Las Vegas. She understands the idea...but is extremely uninterested in it.
Memory is very feisty and determined. I've never known a little kid to throw a fit as long as she has when she doesn't get what she wants, but she can keep one going pretty long. Once she sets her mind to something, she is determined to see it through and do what it takes to get it.
Memory is talking more and more. Mitchell, Eventide, and I are usually the only ones that understand her. Her more common words are "yeah" and "no." We got Eventide a new (and awesome!) bed (a loft bed with and attached slide) and moved Memory to a toddler bed. She had learned a how to get our of her crib and could do so with ease, so we figured it was time.
Eventide has a newfound fascination with Puff the Magic Dragon after discovering it on youtube.
It's getting cold outside now, so I've been dressing the girls in pants and jackets when we go out. Eventide really dislikes socks, pants, longsleeve shirts, and jackets. So the first thing she does when we get home, is she strips off her clothes and gets her "real" clothes on (shorts, shortsleeve shirts) .
Eventide understands there's a baby in my tummy and loves to look at pregnancy/baby books. She has consistantly told us that if the baby is a girl, that her name will be Genevieve/Jenny. We'll see. :) Memory also has a fascination with babies, but when the baby comes, I think she'll be very jealous or upset that I'll be spending more time with the baby and less time with Mems. Memory is definitely a mama's girl.
Memory recently disovered piggy back rides. Since then, she likes it when we tuck her baby dolls arms in to the back of her shirt so that she can give her baby a piggy back ride, and she runs around the house like that. So cute!
-Mitchell turned 27 on Saturday. We had a little birthday party for him that night. We invited family and had pie and ice cream.
-I performed a musical number in church on Sunday with two other women, Sister Anderson (flute) and Sister Filmore (piano). I played the violin. We played a very beautiful arrangement of How Great Thou Art. I very grudgingly accepted the request to do a musical number when I was asked, but as the time to perform came closer, as I got the song down, as we rehearsed, I actually got excited. I felt very peaceful while playing in front of the congregation, thanks to my Heavenly Father, and we did very well. Afterwards, I was very grateful that I had the opportunity to play with the other sisters and to share that with our ward. Great experience!!
-The girls and I are leaving on Saturday to Las Vegas!!!! My sister's wedding is in a little less than 3 weeks, so we are heading down there to spend time with family and to go to Jessica's wedding (Mitchell will be arriving a week after me and the girls). We are SO SO excited!!!!!!!
Until next time!