So I pretty much suck at blogging. Sorry...a little bit. I've been putting off posting about Christmas because I've been meaning to get a ton of pictures from my mom's camera (in Las Vegas) because she's got some of the cutest ones, but I just haven't gotten around to it...So I'm just going to post with what I have.
We got to Las Vegas/Henderson on December 17th. We had a LOT of fun and Eventide had a blast. My brother, Aaron, and his wife, Ashley, and their 2 kids came to Vegas for Christmas as well. Their daughter, Aubrie, is about 8 months older than Eventide and they got along soo well. My sister Ashley lives near my parents, so we got to spend a lot of time with her and her daughter, Braylee (1 month older than Eventide)which was great! Eventide (or E-E as Braylee called her), Braylee, and Aubrie were best buds! And it was a blast just watching them play together.
Eventide & Aubrie:

Eventide & Braylee

Playing with the play kitchen on Christmas morning (Christmas gift from Nana and Papa):

Hugs (and hand holding) all around!

We got a ton of presents (too much!) for Eventide and didn't realize how much we had actually gotten for her until Christmas morning. She was more interested in playing with her cousins than with opening her presents. Her favorite presents were a set of necklaces from the dollar store and a baby-doll stroller (10 dollars). We could have spent 11 dollars and been done...lesson learned for next year!
Nana Swapp quickly became Eventide's very best friend during the whole vacation. Eventide just LOVED my mom. It was funny to watch Braylee and Eventide fighting over my mom and it was a common occurrence to see my mom walking around the house holding one little girl on each hip. And then as soon as Eventide saw my Dad holding Braylee, Eventide wanted in on it. I drew the line when I saw my Grandpa holding both little girls at the same time, haha. For real though, it was so fun to watch them together!
We got plenty of shopping in and lots of time eating good food and hanging out with my awesome family! We went to Lucille's BBQ with our friends Brittany, Mindy, and Brian. Lucille's BBQ is probably the best BBQ in the world. No joke. Their strawberry lemonade and BBQ tri-tip is to-die-for and Eventide quickly fell in love with Mindy. We walked around the District a little bit and Eventide would not be separated from Mindy and was very upset when we parted ways after wards.
New boots from Brittany!

I did not get to spend as much time with my Vegas friends as I would have liked. But I got the most important visit in-with my bestie, Jessica Purney. :D We went out to eat twice and I got to go to her graduation party. It was soooo good to see her. AND we went to Panera Bread. SOOOOOO yummy! Panera Bread and Cafe Rio are what I crave most when I am pregnant...and they oh-so-conveniently do not have those places in Washington. :(
Mitchell had to leave a couple of days after Christmas to go back to work and I stayed until December 31st. After Mitchell left, Eventide got hurt really bad. She was climbing on to a baby doll stroller, on the tile, and was kneeling in it backwards. She leaned too far forwards and the stroller pitched forwards and Eventide bashed her lip and nose pretty bad. It was honestly one of the worst moments of my life. In the end she had a pretty big fat lip, but she was okay by the next day. Though being parent is the coolest, most fun and rewarding thing I have ever done in my life, it is also hard work. It's often stressful and frustrating, but the very hardest part of being a parent is seeing your child get hurt (emotionally or physically) and being helpless to stop it from happening.
Other items of note:
-My SUPER adorable nephew got his baby blessing.

-I FINALLY learned how to make my mother's amazing and delicious homemade bread and rolls. I have yet to actually make them on my own yet. I'm going to get a Bosch mixer, hopefully soon, so I can put all the practice in to action.
-My grandparents (my Mom's parents) came to visit for Christmas (from Idaho).
-We spent countless hours playing Just Dance 2 (SOOOO fun!).
-I got some new maternity pants from Motherhood(woohoo!).
We had a fantastic time visiting my family and it was sooo good to see them! I already miss them. My sister Jessica might come visit for a little bit after Memory is born to help out and I REALLY (really!) hope that she does. And My mom will be visiting for about a week at the end of April (can't wait!!!). It'd be super wonderful to see Dad too (hint hint). :)
Mitchell picked us up from the airport on New Years Eve and we went straight to his parents house and we had a big New Years Eve celebration with his family that night and spent the whole next morning playing Just Dance 2. :) It was a WONDERFUL vacation and and AWESOME Christmas and New Years!
We found this random Care Bear costume laying around my parents house and Eventide loved it!

The little ones carrying the Christmas presents out to the living room (from my parents room):

My family-Christmas morning (minus baby Luke who was sleeping):