*Barbie ("bobbie")
*Come on (Gom-on)
*Here you go
*baby (though she doesn't quite get that there will be one in our home soon...)
*Courtney (I swear the other day she told me "thanks, Courtney.")
*Nom Nom! (we did not teach her that!)
*doggie ("goggie")
*She understands hug, kiss, and treat
*mommy (a name in which she calls both Mitch and I)
*poop ("puh"-she says this while grabbing her diaper after she has peed or pooped)
Among many other words she says and understands, there's a whole bunch of words she says a lot that we don't understand. I LOVE hearing her chat away or read a book. She is just wonderful!
(Also, as a side note, she is AWESOME at going to bed at her bedtime and going down for a nap and is more often than not, quite willing to go to bed! Just in time for the baby! :D )
I just can not get enough of our little Eventide!
Her hair is in her face A LOT and Mitchell's dad often jokingly threatens to cut her hair in the front. Eventide is so determined to pull out any clips, bows, or pony-tails that I put in her hair. *shrug*
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