-B-Dubs w/ my sister Ashley and out girls.
-Good food!
-New haircut!
-Preparing for the reunion
-the reunion!
-Going for a walk with my mom, Ashley, and our girls.
-Playing games with Mitchell's brother, Roy.
-Picnic in the living room and frosting cookies with the little girls.
-Shopping with Mom.
-Spending quality time with Mom and Dad.
-Lied Discovery Museum
-ASHLEY HAD HER BABY, TRINITY! She wasn't due for 2 weeks, and I was bummed because I was just barely going to miss meeting her baby. I was due to leave in a couple of days, when she called me one day to cancel our plans because her water broke and she was at the hospital! Trinity Rose Koch was born and she was so cute and tiny and beautiful and healthy! I was so excited to get to go to the hospital and meet her!
-Finally got to see my good friend, David Velasquez (we were music-stand partners in Orchestra together in Middle School & High School for 7 years!
-"Girls Day." I invited my best friends, Jessica & Danielle over, we all hung out (with my sister Candice and my Mom)and ate junk food and chatted. We went shopping and then at night, headed over to my sister Ashley's house and made cookies and talked more and admired and held and loved little Trinity.
While my hair has already grown out a lot since I got my haircut in Las Vegas, it was (and is) still a big and WELCOME change for me.
Eventide and Braylee playing:
This was before Memory learned how to crawl. She LOVED this thing and would just zip around my parents house like a little pro.
Lied Discovery Museum:
Bubbles with Aunt Jess
A little airplane-big hit!
A giant kaleidoscope-you put the colored shapes on the circle one side and look through the other side while someone spins the clear disc.
Hurricane tube
Though you can't tell by the pictures, Memory, my sister Kait, and I were there as well....
Decorating (and eating) Halloween cookies at my parents house:
Memory being a cute little chunky baby (top-with my Mom, bottom-with my sister Ashley):
The little girls and their "Papa"
Visiting Ashley & Trinity in the hospital:
Visits from my good friend David and best friend Jessica
We had an AMAZING time!
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