How far along: 7 weeks 6 days (My last ultrasound pushed my due date back 4 days to April 20th! woohoo!)
Maternity Clothes: sometimes...for the record, I don't need to wear maternity (though I am getting a little fatter) but maternity pants are sooo comfortable.And with how sick I am, I can use all the comfort I can get!
Stretch marks: nope
Sleep: same as always
Best moment this week: I found a dress for my sisters wedding that looks good on me now AND will accommodate a 4 months pregnant belly! Also, I stuffed my face at a bbq on Saturday and went like 4 hours with out feeling sick. Awesome!
What I miss: eating
Movements: nope
Symptoms: Still nausea, food aversions, and the occasional heart burn. I'm also getting fatter as mentioned above. Just enough for me to notice, I think....I hope. My stomach is more sensitive this week. I use to be able to eat like 2 or 3 peaches in one sitting and feel fantastic after, and now I can't keep them stomach can't handle them. So fruit is out. My sense of smell has strengthened as well as my food aversions.
Food Cravings: Mitchell figured out why my cravings were so wacky last week- I was craving all salty things, so I went to the store and bought (mostly) unhealthy really salty foods. I think my number one craving now is fries or baked potato slices (salted) with fry sauce. yuuummmmmy! Last but certainly not least: Cafe rio chicken salad. mmmmmmm.
Anything making me queasy or sick: added to last week are sweet corn on the cob, summer squash, malt o meal, peaches, and pears.
Have you started to show yet: not enough to look pregnant!
Gender prediction: I'm leaning more towards boy this week.
Emotions: frustrated with nausea and the rate that my stomach is rejecting foods. Excited because the baby's heart rate went up from last week to a healthy number and the baby was double the size than last week and Eventide got to be there to see the ultrasound, and she has been carrying the ultrasound picture around the house for several days, which is super cute.
Looking forward to: My midwife appointment on Tuesday, the end of the trimester, our trip to Las Vegas for my sister's wedding in November, and bed time. :)
Meeting Scarlet Aug 19, 2014
9 years ago
Congratulations! Hope the morning sickness doesn't last too much longer.