Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pregnancy update

How far along: 9 weeks 4 days (My new due date is April 19th)
Maternity Clothes: I wear some maternity pants
Stretch marks: nope
Sleep: same as always
Best moment this week: Nothing pregnancy related-went to my future sister-in-laws bridal shower
What I miss: queasy-free days
Movements: nope
Symptoms: Still nausea, food aversions, and the occasional heart burn.Still getting fatter (though just my belly! My hips have actually slimmed down! woohoo!)
Food Cravings: Caramel, chocolate (Caramello candy bars anyone?), and cafe rio chicken salad.
Anything making me queasy or sick: Everything I've already mentioned plus garlic and onions
Have you started to show yet: not enough to look pregnant!
Gender prediction: I don't know...A few days ago Eventide said to Mitchell, "Hey Daddy, I have a baby brudder in Mommy's tummy." So maybe it's a boy!
Emotions: I'm feeling pretty good as of this moment.
Looking forward to: bedtime!

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