Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Prego update

A lot has happened  since my last post! We went to Las Vegas for two weeks to visit my family and to be there for my sister Jessica's wedding. We spent Thanksgiving with Mitchell's family, Mitchell, Eventide, and Memory (but mostly Eventide) got pretty sick (we were pretty sure it was food poisoning). Mitchell was only sick for a day, Memory for about 3 days, but was chipper and happy and energetic regardless, and Eventide was miserable for three days. Especially the day that she got it. We are all finally feeling back to normal again (except for me...I still feel pregnant :] ). I'm planning to do a post separate from this one with pictures and stuff from our trip, so more on that later. 

     I'm 20 weeks pregnant now (half way there!!!). I feel the baby moving around a lot more now and every day I feel more. I'm looking forward to when Eventide will be able to feel or see the baby movements. She's excited about the baby!
     I had an ultrasound today. I'm always amazed at how much better the ultrasounds are with each baby. I kept saying "wow!" and "that's amazing!" I could see so much detail in the ultrasound that I never saw with my girls. I'm always unimpressed with other peoples' ultrasounds, but always fascinated with my own. Anyway, here are the pictures! 

Cute little profile

Cute little foot with 5 cute little toes
We are most definitely having a BOY!

I was so surprised when the ultrasound tech showed me that picture that I laughed. I was so sure we were having another girl. I should have known it would be a boy...I thought both Eventide and Mems were going to be a boy and I was wrong then too. I should just always go with the opposite of that "instinct." Anyway, we were just happy to be having another baby and had no preference, so we are excited! Time to start working up a new wardrobe for little Timothy Darwin Colver. :)

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