Sunday, March 10, 2013

Visit to Las Vegas & my sister's wedding

My sister Jessica got married on November 10th, so I went to Las Vegas for a 2 week family visit and to be there for the wedding. Me and the girls went a week ahead of Mitchell.

I got to meet my sweet little niece McKinley for the first time.
so presh

We arrived on the day of my niece's 1st birthday and party and trunk or treat for my parent's ward. Eventide was Tinkerbell for Halloween and Memory was a ninja. I was the Twister game for like the 6th year in a row.

My dad was The Hulk

Nana and the girls at Trunk or Treat

Family of super heroes!

There was a lot of play time with cousins Braylee & Trinity.
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The week after we arrived, my sisters threw a bridal shower for my Jess and Mitchell also arrived.
The baby blanket I made for Jess & Ethan for Jessica's bridal shower. It matches the quilt I made for their wedding gift.

Shortly before the wedding, my brother Aaron, his amazing wife, Ashley, and their two adorable children arrived. We did family pictures the day before the wedding. I love my family!

And then...Jess and Ethan got married!!

Bride & Bridesmaids

Jess and the flower girls

Some extra pictures from our trip:
Caught these two lovebirds snuggling on the couch and Jess glaring at me for taking a picture...

Playing with water squirters in my parents' backyard

Eventide chasing after me

Weird hollow wheeled benches that the girls could fit in. So I scooted back and forth, back and forth....back and forth across the house.

Trying out Jessica's veil (sp?).

My mom took the girls out for a walk, and when she returned, they were like this.

At Red Robin for lunch

At Red Robin

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