Sunday, January 31, 2010

Christmas in Las Vegas/Henderson

So this is REALLY late, but I still want to post some pictures from Christmas with my family in Las Vegas. :)

Mitch and Eventide playing in the family room:

My mom (or Nana) pushing Eventide around the house in her stroller (which Eventide LOVED). My mom did this a lot which was nice because Eventide liked it and it gave me a break. thanks Mom for being so awesome!

Eventide playing with her Uncle Roy's (Mitchell's brother) game pieces.

Eventide and Braylee playing:

Notice there aren't any pictures of me and Mitchell. Eventide is just more interesting.

We also got family pictures done (I have a bunch of them on facebook)

My mom and dad

It's weird to see how much Eventide has changed from then until now! For some reasons, we don't have very many pictures from our trip to Vegas on our own camera. We must have taken most of the pictures with my Mom's camera. Anyhow, hope you have a good night!

Christmas in Spokane

Christmas holidays, we spent a couple days before and the Christmas morning with my sister-in-law Jessica'a (Mitchell's sister) family. We spent the time playing games, doing puzzles, relaxing and having a good time. :) On Christmas Eve, we went to Mitchell's parent's family where several of Mitchell's siblings and their families were and we opened some presents and sang Christmas songs, which was so fun! We started with the youngest person in the family and they got to choose a Christmas song, which we all sang together, then from youngest to oldest, every single person in the family got to choose a song which we all sang together. We originally did it to pass the time, waiting for every one to be ready, but once we got going, we stuck to it. It's something that I would love to do on all my future Christmas Eves. :)On Christmas, afternoon, we went to Mitchell's parents again and had Christmas lunch/dinner and then headed to the airport to fly to Las Vegas to visit with my family.

Christmas Eve at Mitchell's parents. All that singing put her to sleep!:

Eventide got a new book from Grandma & Grandpa Colver...of course the wrapping paper was WAY more interesting.

Playing with her new toy (a rainstick):

Christmas morning at Jessica's house. I'm showing off the groovy pajama pants that Mitchell made me for Christmas. :)

I made the graham cracker structure at my friend's house, but once I got the house together, I was sick of it and didn't decorate, so Mitchell did. He even made a little car and little wreaths! :)

On Christmas Eve, we put together this 3D puzzle of Notre Dame. We wanted to take a picture with it before we took it apart. I think Eventide makes this picture cute.


For Thanksgiving, we went to Seattle and stayed at Mitchell's brother's (Justin) family's home. His brother Forest (and his family) and his parents were there to. It was really fun and relaxing and great to see Justin, his wife Nina, and their 7 kids (one of them just a couple weeks old) and to play with all my nieces and nephews! Mitchell brined the turkey and it was SO delicious. He followed Alton Brown's recipe and he did an EXCELLENT job. Overall, Thanksgiving was fun and we had a good time over all.

Eventide just after a bath:

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving (still in Seattle) we went this Stat
e Park where that had this fun little beach. We didn't go swimming (too cold for that!), but it was fun to play around anyway and skip rocks. And there was a really pretty sunset.

Five of our nieces at the beach:

Mitchell & Eventide looking at the Sunset. And no, I do not know who the girl (skipping rocks/dancing) is in the back round.

Our niece, Cordy, and a cool painted driftwood:

Our niece Lani carrying around her brother, J, in her backpack. :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Update x 100

Obviously, it has been a REALLY long time since I last blogged. So here you go, our life updates:

*Can sit up on her own.
*Can say Mama and Dada. At first she just Mama when she was upset, and she would do it when she wanted both mine or Mitchell's attention, but not Mama has been more focused to me. :) Dada is a new development.
*More baby babble! I love hearing her talk!
*She is almost crawling. Almost! She kind of just rolls and flops around to get when she wants to go. It's pretty cute, but I can see how frustrated she is sometimes when she can't get around more effectively.
*She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth.
*Her two bottom teeth came in!
*She has figured out how to get from laying down to sitting up on her own.
*She turned 8 months on January 19th.
*She is so social and fun and smart. We love our little girl!

This is one of the pictures that was taken when we got family pictures done with my family in Las Vegas. One of the reasons I love this picture so much is because you can see really well that she has two different eye colors. You can even see the little blue spot in her brown eye. :)

Isn't she a cutie?!

In this picture you can see her little teeth and that she is almost crawling! Unfortunately she has demon eyes...ha. I can never seem to take pictures of her face with out red eyes.


*Switched from the Clinical Psychology graduate program to the Experimental Psychology graduate program.
*He is working on his thesis on frisson ( ). He is researching the correlation between music and frisson.
*He will graduate in the spring. Yay!
*We have been looking at different schools/locations that Mitchell is considering applying to for his doctorates. It's fun and exciting to think about all our future adventures!


*I will graduate next fall! :)
*Mitchell has convinced me a few times to play my violin at church, twice with the choir and once in a piano/violin duet with Mitchell. This is quite a feat, as I wouldn't even play in front of my family when I was in high school.
* I am LOVING motherhood.

I don;t have any great pictures of Mitch and I to put on here...mostly we just focus on Eventide because, let's face it, she's way cuter than us. In any case, hopefully I can get on top of this blogging business. Until next time!