Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Prince won't go to bed!

Eventide really likes this book, so we read it to her a lot, especially at bed time. The Queen and King are at the ball, and the nanny can not get the prince to go to bed. They try patty cake, a bubble bath, a new fluffy pillow, but every time they think he has finally fallen asleep and they try to sneak off...
"WAA! WAA! WAA! I will not go to bed!"
the teeny-tiny, itty bitty, little prince said.

So they give him pudding, softer mattresses, music...but no matter what they do...
"WAA! WAA! WAA! I will not go to bed!"
the teeny-tiny, itty bitty, little prince said.

Princess Kate, his sister, hears the commotion and comes to see what she can do and discovers that the Royal Court has thought of everything but a GOODNIGHT KISS! So they all give the teeny-tiny, itty bitty, little prince a kiss and he finally falls asleep!

The Onesie series

Some of my family decorated onesies for Memory. To be more accurate, they told my sister Jessica what they wanted on the onesies, and she did it for them (except Candice, who decorated her own!). They are soooo cute and I am bummed that they are getting too small for Mems!

"Aunt Jeska is my favorite" There was a heart on the butt too, but I didn't get a picture of it.

"Memory + Aunt Candice = BFF"

"I love my Aunt Katie...the Most"

"My PaPa is PaPerfect" and on the back "Poopin' with PaPa"

"Nana Never Says Nono"