Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Things and people I miss

-My family.
-Friends (who don't live around here).
-Mom's cooking. Specifically her bread, rolls, scones, foil dinner, potato salad and probably some other delicious things that I can't think of.
-Dad's cooking. Specifically swiss steak, enchiladas, dutch oven cooking, peach cobbler, guac, and also probably some other delicious things that I can't think of.
-Cafe Rio
-Panera Bread's chicken salad sandwich
-Fausto's spicy/hot carrot slices
-Coldstones and The Golden Spoon
-Not being nauseous.
-Huntington Beach
-A duller sense of smell. Pregnancy has...sharpened it a bit.
-This sweet little lady whenever we are apart:

I miss a lot of things and a lot of those things are food. I've got food on the brain...haha.

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